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Visualizzazione dei post da gennaio, 2018

Golden picks

Lofoten are wonderful islands and the light here is always the great protagonist. After the long polar night,  the sun touch again the top of the mountains: a romantic and warm golden kiss

Ice natural sculpltures

Something I like to do during the wintertime, is stroll around discovering the beautiful sculptures made by the ice itself. It's incredible what nature can do! I really would like to improve taking pictures because what I find around me is so special, something to remember, to share. What you  really  need it is just to be curious, to  always  stay turned looking around you for a wonderful, natural show

Vågan kirke

Close to the small  village of  Kabelvåg  on the island of  Austvågøya , there is the  Vågan kirke. Usually called  the  Lofoten Cathedral , this parish church  can seat about 1,200 people: it's the largest wooden building in  Northern Norway . The first church date back to the 12th century, during the time of the viking King   Øystein Magnusson, who  wanted a church  to be large enough to accommodate all the fishermen who came to Kabelvåg each season. We stopped by the church for a while, just to enjoy the warm light of one of the first sunrise after the darkness of the polar nights. 

Aurora in Svinøya

Tonight we were chasing aurora, looking for a dark place to take some pictures when a storm of beautiful lights from green to red started dancing above our heads. A large, strong, colorful aurora. Too beautiful to think about our cameras, I've been crying for such a wonderful show. I apologize I cannot show it to you but believe me, it has been so spectacular, something that petrifying us. What I can share with you is just how it started. Believe me, North Norway is magic ❤

Northern lights dance

Dancing whits the northern lights in Tromsø. It is something incredible, something you must see because nobody is able to to tell you about the emotions you will live when northern lights will start dancing  above  your head. Magic moments in  Northern Norway Elimina commento

Dark sky, frats and aurora tonight

E l'aurora danza un ballo fatto di magie luminose

Artic Cathedral

La chiamano Cattedrale anche se formalmente non lo è, lo so, ma rimane una delle strutture simbolo di Tromsø e del Nord Norvegia. Costruita nel 1965 su progetto del norvegese  Jan Inge Hovig, è in stile moderno, prevalentemente in cemento. La forma ricorda le grandi rastrelliere dove viene messo a seccare il merluzzo. Vi devo dire la verità? Io la prima volta che l'ho vista ho pensato ad un enorme  Viennetta... esatto, il gelato... Poi, invece, ci ho girato intorno ed ho capito, apprezzato. Fra un blocco di cemento e l'altro non manca il vetro a giuntura: piccole finestre ovunque che permettono alla luce di entrare, che si tratti del sole di mezzanotte in estate o dell'aurora in inverno. Come facciata una grande vetrata trasparente ad ovest e, sorpresa delle sorprese, un mosaico in vetro colorato e ferro ad est. Si tratta del più grande mosaico in vetro e ferro al mondo, realizzato nel 1972 da un altro norvegese, Victor Sparre.  L'acustica è sorprendente! Vi consigl
Dancing with Northern lights tonight

Aurora forecast

Queste le previsioni per domani. Io faccio che andrei... (per la serie: almeno l'italiano s allo!)

Winter in Oslo

Here we are, walking in the snow during one of the very long nights of this dark winter. Norway is the Nation I have chosen, Oslo the city. Because "home is where the heart is" 💖